Preserving the Mpakwithi language
StoryWatch the video of Therra Kaffry (cheeky little hairy man) presented in the Mpakwithi language of Tentpole Creek on the Cape York West Coast.
Reviving and preserving our ancient languages
StoryPama Language Centre (PLC) is reviving and preserving the fragile languages of Cape York Peninsula.
Immersing yourself in your language to preserve it
StoryAugmented Reality is helping to preserve at risk languages through creating an environment where the learners can fully immerse themselves in the language.
Preserving the Guugu Yimithirr language
StoryLearn and help preserve the Guugu Yimithirr language through a beautiful song called Guujuwi Barrabarrawi – which means “Fishing in the Mangroves”.
Preserving the Yadhaykenu language
StoryMeun Lifu ‘Uncle Shorty’ is working with the Pama Language Centre to revive and preserve his language Yadhaykenu.