Garigarra - First time completing the Census, how to complete your Census, the benefits for communities, and where to get help
News articleGarigarra Riley-Mundine, a proud Wiradjuri woman from Dubbo, completed the Census for the first time by herself in 2016 while staying on a university campus away from her family home and Country.
$3 Million Indigenous Local Employment Fund (ILEF) announced
News articleA total of $3 million is now available to support increased Indigenous employment participation in COVID-19 affected labour markets.
Parramatta’s rich First Nations cultures take centre stage for Warami
News articleLive music, dance, talks and tours celebrating the City of Parramatta’s rich First Nations histories and cultures will take centre stage as Council presents its annual Warami festival.
News articleWe invite you to join us in our HEALTHY STORiES = GOOD FOOD inaugural event to share remote community stores and takeaway advances through film for improved health.
Indigenous Suicide Postvention Services Grant Opportunity now open
News articleThe Australian Government has opened a new grant opportunity for the delivery of suicide postvention services in Indigenous communities.