$3 Million Indigenous Local Employment Fund (ILEF) announced

A total of $3 million is now available to support increased Indigenous employment participation in COVID-19 affected labour markets.
A total of $3 million is now available to support increased Indigenous employment participation in COVID-19 affected labour markets. The ILEF grant opportunity supports activities that are innovative, small-scale, one off and tailored to address local employment needs and barriers for Indigenous job seekers that are outside the scope of existing employment programs. Projects in regional and remote areas are especially encouraged.
Projects may include, but are not limited to, the following examples:
- service providers to source and match Indigenous job seekers into short-term employment placements
- qualified mentors to motivate and support Indigenous participants as they commence employment
- qualified Indigenous or non-Indigenous facilitators/ coordinators to provide short-term guidance to Indigenous work teams and cross cultural communication between stakeholders
- provision of training and upskilling for Indigenous job seekers (including qualifications for a specific job, drivers’ licence acquisition; personal and career development; life skills and money management)
- health and safety support for Indigenous job seekers, which may include mental well-being, nutrition awareness and costs associated with COVID-19 workplace plans
- transport, accommodation, catering or other practical support for Indigenous job seekers as they commence employment
- cultural competency training for your workplace; and
- small scale capital works and purchase of equipment to assist Indigenous job seekers commence work or receive training, if the need is well demonstrated (for example, if the hire cost exceeds the purchase price).
Grants of up to $250,000 (GST exclusive) are available to organisations or employers. Applications can be made at any time until Friday 31 December 2021.
Visit the ILEF page on the NIAA website to learn more about the grant.