Native Title Services transition from TSRA to GBK
News articleTSRA - Traditional Owners and Prescribed Body Corporates (PBCs) will take control in delivering all Native Title services in the Torres Strait from 1 July 2022, when Gur A Baradharaw Kod Torres Strait Sea and Land Council (GBK) is recognised as the Native Title Service Provider (NTSP).
Have a voice in the Decade of Indigenous Languages
News articleWe're seeking Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to join the International Decade of Indigenous Languages Directions Group.
Free Legal Advice and Financial Counselling for Territories Stolen Generations Scheme
News articleStolen Generations survivors looking to apply for the Territories Stolen Generations Redress Scheme will be able to access free and independent legal advice and financial counselling.
Greater economic opportunities for Indigenous Australians in Newcastle
News articleNewcastle’s Indigenous service provider Awabakal Ltd has successfully freed up $27 million in capital for the region’s Indigenous population, thanks to the successful implementation of 2018 legislation introduced under the Coalition Government.
Hearing Australia partners with community spokespeople to ensure First Nations kids are school ready
News articleTo reach communities across Australia, Hearing Australia’s HAPEE Ears for Early Years program is partnering with local spokespeople and community services to improve the hearing health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children.