Kinchela Boys Home recognised by World Monuments Fund
News articleI would like to congratulate Kinchela Boys Home (KBH) Aboriginal Corporation for successfully attaining recognition for their Kempsey site on the World Monuments Watch.
Hearing Australia launches ‘Spirit of Sound’ to support First Nations children’s hearing health
News articleHearing Australia’s Hearing Assessment Program - Early Ears (HAPEE) is collaborating with First Nations communities across Australia to raise awareness of the importance of ear and hearing health.
Indigenous Reference Group convenes on National Roadmap
News articleThe Indigenous Reference Group (IRG), as part of a national group to support the Morrison Government implement the National Roadmap for Indigenous Skills, Jobs and Wealth Creation, convened for the first time yesterday.
Indigenous Reference Group Takes to the Top End for First Meeting
News articleIndigenous economic development in northern Australia was the hot topic at the first formal meeting of the Indigenous Reference Group (IRG) last week.
Territories Stolen Generations Redress Scheme Opens
News articleStolen Generations survivors who were removed as children from their families and communities in the Northern Territory, the Australian Capital Territory, and Jervis Bay can now apply for redress from the Australian Government.