Helping communities direct their own futures
StoryAcross Australia, Indigenous organisations are often the lifeblood of their communities, providing vital services and employment for locals. So it’s crucial they are well run and their management understands the opportunities and risks they may face.
Proud Kalkadoon artist, Chern’ee Sutton, Youth of the Year
StoryProud Kalkadoon artist, Chern’ee Sutton, was a joint winner of the National NAIDOC Youth of the Year Award announced at the NAIDOC Awards ceremony held on the Gold Coast on Friday 11 July.
Envisioning a better future for Indigenous people
StoryLike many other training providers, enVizion works to give people the skills to get a job. Unlike other training providers, enVizion goes above and beyond to equip Indigenous Australian clients with the life skills they need for ongoing full-time employment in the jobs of their dreams.
Getting the best outcomes for Maningrida
StoryManingrida’s Ben “Baru” Pascoe has many roles; he is a talented musician, an Elder of the Mardarrpa clan, a Djunggay (caretaker of his mother’s song lines and totems) and a grandfather.
Aboriginal languages the new stars of the ABC news service
StoryOn 1 July, the ABC launched a trial Indigenous Language News Service in the Northern Territory, providing daily radio news bulletins in two Aboriginal languages, Warlpiri and Yolngu Matha.