Job training leads to supporting remote communities
StoryA local Aboriginal man has been trained for his important new job driving frail-aged and disabled people between their remote communities and appointments in distant towns through Australian Government funding, administered by the Murdi Paaki Regional Enterprise Corporation (MPREC).
Top marks for getting kids to school
StoryBefore the Remote School Attendance Strategy (RSAS) started in Ltyentye Apurte, it seemed like more children were hanging around the shop than going to school. But eleven months on, things have changed considerably thanks to eight dedicated school attendance officers.
Congratulations to Eddie Robertson, the 2015 Northern Territory Senior Australian of the Year!
StoryCongratulations Eddie Jampijinpa Robertson, the 2015 Northern Territory Senior Australian of the Year. The Warlpiri elder and Australian Government Indigenous Engagement Officer from Yuendumu in central Australia has dedicated his life to helping his community.
Adelaide’s first VTEC helping SA job seekers
StoryJob opportunities for Indigenous job seekers in Adelaide improved this past month with the launch of Adelaide’s first Vocational Training and Employment Centre (VTEC).
New community store brings benefits to remote Bulman
StoryBulman’s new store has created 17 local jobs and will provide access to a bigger range of fresh, healthy food for the remote Northern Territory community.