Congratulations to Eddie Robertson, the 2015 Northern Territory Senior Australian of the Year!
StoryCongratulations Eddie Jampijinpa Robertson, the 2015 Northern Territory Senior Australian of the Year. The Warlpiri elder and Australian Government Indigenous Engagement Officer from Yuendumu in central Australia has dedicated his life to helping his community.
Adelaide’s first VTEC helping SA job seekers
StoryJob opportunities for Indigenous job seekers in Adelaide improved this past month with the launch of Adelaide’s first Vocational Training and Employment Centre (VTEC).
New community store brings benefits to remote Bulman
StoryBulman’s new store has created 17 local jobs and will provide access to a bigger range of fresh, healthy food for the remote Northern Territory community.
Questacon at this year’s Garma Youth Forum
StoryThe Garma Youth Forum, run in conjunction with the main Garma Festival, allows students of all backgrounds to come together and share their experiences and gain a better understanding of each other’s cultures.
A dream job in Papunya
StoryClayton Dixon is just the type of person you want handy when something gets broken around your home. Clayton, a 28 year old husband, and father of two sons, works as a Housing Maintenance Officer (HMO) in his home community of Papunya in the Central Desert region of the Northern Territory.