Galiwin’ku’s new social enterprise retail store shows the local entrepreneurial spirit
StoryForty years ago, the remote community of Galiwin’ku exported fruit and vegetables, furniture, crocodile skins, fish and timber. Local industry has declined over the years but community members are showing the entrepreneurial spirit of their grandparents and are using the Community Development Programme (CDP) to relaunch some of these industries.
Breaking into the music industry
StoryAbmusic supports and trains Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, young and old, to become musicians and get involved in the music industry.
Building a career in construction thanks to CDP
StoryCommunity Development Programme (CDP) construction graduates are in demand with construction companies.
Zibeon joins exclusive group of Indigenous marathon champions
StoryZibeon Fielding of Mimili in the APY Lands was part of a group of twelve Indigenous men and women, members of the Indigenous Marathon Project (IMP), who ran the 2016 New York Marathon. Prior to the founding of the IMP, no Indigenous man or woman had completed any major international marathon. Today Australia has 65 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander international marathoners.
Stella on job in Tennant Creek
StoryStella, a proud Indigenous woman born and raised in Alice Springs, is the face of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Tennant Creek.