Improving food security in remote communities – have your say!
News articleA national food security strategy for remote communities is being developed. The new strategy will be designed to improve the price, quality and availability of food and other essential groceries in remote communities. Have your say about the food security needs in your local community.
Youpla Support Program commences today
News articleDid you pay for a Youpla or ACBF funeral fund on or after 1 August 2015? If you did, you might be able to get a payment that could help with Sorry Business through the Youpla Support Program. The Youpla Support Program has been set up by the government to support mob who were affected by ACBF/Youpla going broke. The Youpla Support Program runs from 1 July 2024 until 30 June 2026.
Framework for Governance of Indigenous Data
News articleCo-designed with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander partners, the Framework for Governance of Indigenous Data will support improved access to government-held Indigenous data for First Nations Australians, to better reflect their priorities and aspirations.
New National Indigenous Australians Agency’s website launched
News articleThe National Indigenous Australians Agency’s new website launched today. The new site makes it easier for you to find important information on First Nations policies and programs. Check it out at: