Whanu Binal Entrepreneur Program helping businesses establish ‘deep roots’
The Whanu Binal Entrepreneur Program, run by Arrow Energy and Central Queensland University aims to empower entrepreneurs and businesses.
The Whanu Binal Indigenous Entrepreneur program is helping to provide First Nations entrepreneurs and business owners with the keys to success.
The program is the first of its kind in the country. Driven by a unique ‘yarning methodology’, it aims to provide participants with the skills and networks to succeed in their businesses.
Developed by Arrow Energy, an integrated coal seam gas company, Whanu Binal was originally launched as a business program in 2013 in an effort to increase Indigenous participation in Queensland’s gas supply chain.
The latest iteration of the program comes in partnership with Central Queensland University and due to the impact of COVID-19 kicked off in a virtual setting in 2020, and the online yarning circles have been a great success. NIAA’s South Queensland Region supported the program with funding from the Regional Manager’s Discretionary Fund.
It was initially designed for Indigenous businesses interested in gaining work in the Minerals and Resources sector, however in joining with Central Queensland University, the program has expanded to provide a wider range of business development opportunities.
Previous program participant and managing director of Brolga Cranes, said the program helped him both professionally and personally.
“The method of delivery was exceptional…The biggest help I received was to learn to take time out and look after my mental health, to learn to switch off from business to family,” he said.
“From a professional standpoint I learned how to interact and look at other avenues and approaches and to always refer to my business plan.”
The program was given its name in the language of the Western Guugu Yalanji peoples of Far North Queensland by one of Arrow Energy’s First Nations employees.
‘Whanu’ is a strong tree with deep roots and ‘Binal’ is the development of knowledge from infancy to an elder.
This definition has helped define the program, with a strong focus on empowering Indigenous businesses to create social and economic growth for their communities and to provide further business opportunities.
Alongside 6 months of workshops, yarning circles and interactive modules, participants also have lifelong access to closed social media groups and extensive business networks to help continue their development.
The program is open to all Indigenous business owners and entrepreneurs across Australia.
Find out more
Find out more about the Whanu Binal Entrepreneur Program and how to apply.