Vibe 3on3 kicks off for 2013

Hundreds of young people descended on the Bairnsdale Aquatic and Recreation Centre in Victoria recently for the Deadly Vibe National Indigenous 3on3 Basketball and Hip Hop Challenge – the first Vibe 3on3 event of 2013.
Hundreds of young people descended on the Bairnsdale Aquatic and Recreation Centre in Victoria recently for the Deadly Vibe National Indigenous 3on3 Basketball and Hip Hop Challenge – the first Vibe 3on3 event of 2013.
More than 60 teams, comprising 260 young people, from East Gippsland schools participated in the 3on3. The event featured a 3on3 basketball tournament, rapping and break dancing lessons, art workshops, a dance competition and a health expo.
The Australian Government supports the Vibe 3on3 events for their focus on healthy lifestyles, which contribute to closing the gap on Indigenous disadvantage.
Vibe community engagement manager Medika Thorpe said the event was well-received by the community.
“The community was so excited about the event, extremely supportive and the kids had a fabulous time. There were over 60 teams, which was a wonderful turn out in this community,” Medika said.
“Auntie Madge Siely welcomed us to country, accompanied by the Deetjung Meegae Dancers. Councillor Mark Reeves from East Gippsland Shire Council attended the closing ceremony and presented the Puggy Hunter with Kutcha Edwards.”
Medika said the dance breakoff competition was very popular, with role model Kutcha Edwards demonstrating his skills on the dance floor.
“Kutcha was making the young people laugh. He really got them involved. The kids really shine when they’re on the dance mat. We had about eight girl and six boy contestants,” she said.
She says the children engaged well with all of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander role models on the day.
“We had some wonderful and inspiring role models including host Luke Carroll as well as rappers Lionel Rose Junior (The late Lionel Rose’s nephew) and Grant Hood, aka Drumma G. Local artist Deborah Stewart inspired the kids and dancer Koorrine Edwards got them moving,” Medika said.
There was also a health expo at the event attended by the Gippsland and east Gippsland Aboriginal Cooperative, as well as Gippsland Medicare Local and Diabetes Australia, Interchange Central Gippsland and the Bairnsdale Police.
“All up – the East Gippsland 3on3 was an excellent day, full of excited and motivated kids who enjoyed being involved in all of the activities,” Medika said.
Vibe 3on3 events are held around Australia. The next two events will take place this week in Leeton and Echuca.
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The Australian Government supports the Vibe 3on3 events for their focus on healthy lifestyles, which contribute to closing the gap on Indigenous disadvantage.
The Department of Health and Ageing is a major sponsor of Vibe 3on3.