Titans achievement program-an all-star experience

At the annual National Rugby League (NRL) Indigenous All Stars game in February, Jetstar Gold Coast Titans player, Preston Campbell, gave a big shout out to the young people from Mornington Island and Doomadgee who were on the trip of a lifetime.
At the annual National Rugby League (NRL) Indigenous All Stars game in February, Jetstar Gold Coast Titans player, Preston Campbell, gave a big shout out to the young people from Mornington Island and Doomadgee who were on the trip of a lifetime.
The Jetstar Gold Coast Titans have teamed up with the Mount Isa Regional Operations Centre and the communities of Mornington Island and Doomadgee to deliver a youth program, called the Titans Achievement Program.
The program was designed to engage young people with their community and help them reach their full potential - and it’s working.
This great initiative was featured recently in the Closing the Gap Prime Ministers Report 2013.
The Titans Achievement Program, which is supported through the Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs is being delivered to Indigenous youth, aged 14 - 24 years across four youth transition points: learning after primary school age, starting a productive working life, adopting a healthful lifestyle and exercising citizenship.
As a reward for their effort in working toward their career goals, in February 2012, 30 young people from Mornington Island and Doomadgee were provided with the opportunity to attend a week long residential camp at the Gold Coast, during NRL Indigenous All Stars week.
The young participants attended workshops presented by the Aboriginal Centre for the Performing Arts, the Healing Foundation, Griffith University, and the All Stars Learn Earn Legend! Job Expo.
They were also able to mingle with their favourite NRL stars and were special guests at the Preston Campbell Testimonial Dinner.
This experience provided opportunities for them to build on job skills, learn new skills, network with employers and improve their chances of finding a job.
Some of the comments from the participants included:
“It was amazing just being there; it was a proud moment for me”; “I enjoyed what life has to offer young people”; “we got to experience something we could never have expected’; and “I enjoyed that they encouraged us to follow our dream.”
The young people have returned from their experience at the NRL Indigenous All Stars with stronger relationships, more self-confidence and self-esteem.
The next stage of the program is to build on the momentum gained. Facilitators Clinton Toopi and Preston Campbell have said “Young people have a lot on their minds and have a lot to talk about and we are looking forward to continuing to listen to what they have to say.”
Find out more
The Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs supports The Titans Achievement Program.