Running for health and for fun

The Indigenous Marathon Foundation hosted a Deadly Fun Run for students in the remote South Australian Community of Amata.
Students from the remote community of Amata in northern South Australia have been running for their health and for fun.
The Indigenous Marathon Foundation (IMF) hosted the Deadly Fun Run as part of a series of events in remote communities to encourage healthy lifestyles and physical activity.
Kellie O'Sullivan from IMF helps to promote and fundraise for these events around Australia.
“The Foundation is committed to using running and activity to drive social change, celebrate Indigenous resilience and achievement, and address the high incidence of chronic disease and obesity in Indigenous communities across the country,” Kellie said.
Thirty-four students, competing in junior and senior events, completed the three kilometre race from the Amata oval to the Amata school pool where they were rewarded with a cool dip in the pool followed by hamburgers, fresh bananas, nectarines and hard boiled eggs for dinner.
The students were also awarded points which went towards being selected as a Community Champion to represent Amata community at the National Deadly Fun Run Championships in Yulara.
IMF Deadly Fun Run Coordinator, Nadine Hunt, acknowledged the Deadly Fun Run Series has been growing.
“Amata is one of 15 communities Australia-wide actively involved in running and walking events, increasing Indigenous participation, and contributing to the positive impact in community,” Nadine said.
“The APY Lands in particular is strongly supporting and sharing the joy of running throughout the region, showing the positive impact it is having on their community.”
Coordinator of the Amata event Jo Weaver agrees that there is more to the event than just promoting a healthy lifestyle.
“The fun runs have been very well received in the Amata Community,” Jo said.
“The community is happy and excited because they are an activity that family members can all participate in together and the runs bring to the community something extra besides football and softball. Service Providers are very willing to support the fun runs as they can see how it brings the community together in a happy and positive way with great community spirit.”
Elders from the community supported the Deadly Fun Run by marking out the race track and serving the food at the end of the race.
A second fun run was held in Amata on Wednesday, 11 May. The final run of the 2015-2016 Series is scheduled for Saturday 18 June.
Find out more
Ensuring the health and wellbeing of residents of Indigenous communities is a priority of the Australian Government.
The Deadly Fun Run was a community-wide event supported by the Australian Government, the Amata Remote School Attendance Strategy team, Amata School, Drug and Alcohol Services South Australia, TAFE SA, Regional Anangu Services Aboriginal Corporation, Amata Wellbeing Centre, Home and Community Care and the South Australian National Football League.
The Indigenous Marathon Foundation creates, inspires and encourages active and healthy lifestyles. In addition to the Deadly Fun Run Series, it supports three other programs which are the Indigenous Marathon Project, the Indigenous Communities for Activity and Nutrition program, and FrontRunners.