Newslines Radio: Small business success – part two

Did you know as many as 3,000 Indigenous Australians are running their own businesses? They are working in diverse fields such as agriculture, tourism, the arts, media and IT, as well as in retailing and transport, just to name a few.
Did you know as many as 3,000 Indigenous Australians are running their own businesses? They are working in diverse fields such as agriculture, tourism, the arts, media and IT, as well as in retailing and transport, just to name a few.
It’s a dream many of us share: starting our own business to create a future for our families and community and to enjoy the independence and freedom that can come with being a business owner.
Kool Purple Kookas was started by Corey Grech in 2001 and he is passionate about teaching kids and the wider community about the health benefits of eating bush tucker and showing how to shop for and prepare their own food easily.
He wants all our people to make the right choices around food.
“Kids are making the decision to go to McDonalds and take-away foods because it’s easy but if they knew that it was cheaper to shop and cook at home they would be more inclined to do that, “Corey said.
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Increasing employment opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is a critical component of Closing the Gap.
The Council of Australian Governments has set a target to halve the gap in employment outcomes between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australians within a decade.