Newslines Radio: National Apology five years on

The National Apology to Australia’s Indigenous Peoples, in particular the Stolen Generations, by the Australian Parliament on 13 February 2008 was a powerful and memorable moment in our nation’s history. It has had a huge impact not only on the members of the Stolen Generation but also Australian’s from all walks of life.
The National Apology to Australia’s Indigenous Peoples, in particular the Stolen Generations, by the Australian Parliament on 13 February 2008 was a powerful and memorable moment in our nation’s history.
It has had a huge impact not only on the members of the Stolen Generation but also Australian’s from all walks of life.
To celebrate the fifth anniversary of the National Apology, Newslines Radio will look back at the day itself and what it meant to people and also the changes that have taken place in the past five years.
One person who still gets emotional whenever she thinks back on that day is Auntie Lorraine Peeters who was four years old when she was taken from her family and sent to a girl’s home in Cootamundra.
“My memory is seeing the sea of faces, the sad faces waiting for him to say those words, I was waiting for him to sorry to my parents and when he did it was like, I have finally got closure to my healing,” Auntie Lorraine said.
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