Newslines Radio: Murdi Paaki – driving change in the west

The strong Indigenous leadership of the Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly, supported by the Murdi Paaki Regional Enterprise Corporation’s innovative delivery of Australian government programs and services is creating positive change in north western New South Wales.
The strong Indigenous leadership of the Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly, supported by the Murdi Paaki Regional Enterprise Corporation’s innovative delivery of Australian government programs and services is creating positive change in north western New South Wales.
This Newslines Radio program looks at some of the great things happening in the Murdi Paaki region, which covers more than 40 per cent of New South Wales and includes the traditional lands of 15 Aboriginal Nations and language groups.
Enterprise Corporation CEO Janelle Whitehead tells Newslines she believes the organisation has been a real instigator in Closing the Gap in western NSW.
“I suppose we have been leaders in our field and thinking outside the box, coming up with innovative ways of addressing the barriers in the communities, without wielding a stick,” she says.
“It’s that community engagement and empowerment; [you] build the capacity in the communities but also address the problems.”
Find out more
Murdi Paaki Regional Enterprise Corporation delivers a range of Australian Government programs and services to communities in north western NSW to help Close the Gap in Indigenous disadvantage. These include: