Newslines Radio: Murdi Paaki – creating opportunities for youth

The Murdi Paaki Aboriginal Young Leaders Project is helping Indigenous youth in western New South Wales gain the skills and confidence they need to succeed in the workforce and have their voices heard in their communities.
The project was established by the Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly, the representative body for the 16 communities that make up the Murdi Paaki region. The Australian Government funding for this program is auspiced through Murdi Paaki Regional Enterprise Corporation, one of the organisations delivering a range of government funded programs and services to those communities.
In this Newslines Radio program, Young Leaders participant Isabel Orcher talks about her personal experience and the ongoing benefits the project is having for the region.
“[We have] four positions on the Regional Assembly as delegates…It’s for the young leaders who feel confident enough to go and sit with all the elders of our communities and be brave enough to express their ideas.”
Find out more
Murdi Paaki Aboriginal Young Leaders Project was developed by the Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly and is supported by Australian Government funding through the Murdi Paaki Regional Enterprise Corporation.
Murdi Paaki Regional Enterprise Corporation delivers a range of Australian Government programs and services to communities in north western NSW to help Close the Gap in Indigenous disadvantage. These include: