Newslines Radio: Good tucker prevents disease

We all know about some of the alarming health statistics around Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health including that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are two and a half times more likely than non-Indigenous Australians to contract a chronic disease.
We all know about some of the alarming health statistics around Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health including that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are two and a half times more likely than non-Indigenous Australians to contract a chronic disease. Chronic diseases include problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes or respiratory and kidney disease.
This week on Newslines Radio we look at how by living healthy and eating good tucker people can be less susceptible to these types of diseases.
Find out more
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experience a burden of disease two-and-a-half times that of other Australians. A large part of the burden of disease is due to chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, chronic respiratory disease and chronic kidney disease. This can be reduced by earlier identification, and management of risk factors and the disease itself.
The Indigenous Chronic Disease Package aims to achieve this reduction by providing support to the health sector and better access to health care by Indigenous Australians.