Newslines Radio: Dream jobs in the Northern Territory

Communities around Australia have been telling the Australian Government that one of the key issues for Indigenous people is more jobs for our mob.
Communities around Australia have been telling the Australian Government that one of the key issues for Indigenous people is more jobs for our mob.
In response, the Government has made increasing employment opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders a critical component of Closing the Gap and Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory.
Stronger Futures will help to create more local jobs for Aboriginal people living in the NT with an expectation that all services employ local Aboriginal people wherever possible.
In this Newslines Radio program we spoke to Barkindji woman, Brionee Noonan, and Yolngu man, Derek Hunt, from Elcho Island about the dream jobs they’ve found in the Northern Territory.
“If you are passionate about something, find out all you can about it,” Brionee said.
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Increasing employment opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Islander people in the Northern Territory is a key component of Closing the Gap and Stronger Futures in the Northern Territory.