New playgroups popular with young Amata parents

The Amata Early Childhood Learning Centre (ECLC) established within the Amata School grounds in late 2012, now runs a playgroup for 0-3 year olds, three times per week.
The Amata Early Childhood Learning Centre (ECLC) established within the Amata School grounds in late 2012, now runs a playgroup for 0-3 year olds, three times per week.The centre is becoming a favourite with young parents, boasting both indoor and outdoor play areas, kitchen, bathrooms and separate play and rest areas.
The ECLC is run by Amata School’s Early Years Coordinator Ann Marguard, working closely with local playgroup employees Josephine James, Sucinda Mick, Yvonne Raymond and Melvina Young.
“We are very lucky to have this centre here for our children,” said Ann.
Amata’s current Community Lands Based Worker will operate from the centre shortly as part of Amata’s commitment to on-going community family support. The centre also hosts many visiting service provider programs that support parents and families, including parenting workshops.
Find out more
The Amata Early Childhood Centre is part of the Amata Local Implementation Plan.
Under the Remote Service Delivery National Partnership Agreement, governments have agreed to develop Local Implementation Plans (LIPs) to guide future government investment in 29 priority RSD communities to help achieve the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) Closing the Gap targets.
The Amata Local Implementation Plan has been developed through close consultation between the Amata community and the Australian and South Australian Governments. It sets out the priorities for Amata and includes targets, actions, success measures and timelines for achieving those priorities.