Making a difference!
Scott and Bec Hammet are living the dream of most young Northern Territory families. They juggle a young family with running their increasingly successful building business in rural Humpty Doo.
Scott and Bec Hammet are living the dream of most young Northern Territory families. They juggle a young family with running their increasingly successful building business in rural Humpty Doo.
Their construction work takes them off the beaten track to some of Australia’s most beautiful and remote areas where they build infrastructure on Aboriginal communities.
They have also developed a strong sense of responsibility to help remote communities address some of the social issues they face.
“Scott has been working in remote communities for about ten years and seen the devastating effects that petrol sniffing has on children, families and entire communities,” Bec said.
“He has seen families torn apart, vandalism, destruction and also seen the difference that using low aromatic unleaded fuel makes.
“Having kids of our own now, we want to help and do as much as we can, so we have introduced a company policy that all of our vehicles travelling to remote locations, and all of our machinery and tools, must be run on low aromatic unleaded fuel.
“The majority of the people who visit communities are contractors, people working there, so they are the ones who should be using low aromatic unleaded fuel in their cars and their equipment, because they can make the difference,” Bec said.
Find out more
The Australian Government is committed to reducing petrol sniffing.
By replacing regular unleaded fuel with low aromatic unleaded fuel, the Government is helping to reduce petrol sniffing in areas where it is a problem.
For more information visit About Low Aromatic Unleaded