Back to school on Palm Island

Back to School March and breakfast a hit on Palm Island.
Celebrations were held on Palm Island recently as the Bwgcolman Community School and St Michael’s Catholic School welcomed children, parents and families at a ‘Back to School March’ and breakfast on 22 January 2018.
The inaugural event was supported by the wider community including:
- children’s breakfast supplied by the Palm Island Community Company and Cathy Freeman Foundation
- parent’s BBQ breakfast supplied by the local CDP Provider, Campbell Page
- Remote School Attendance Strategy team provided transport and logistical support for the event including bus runs
- Queensland Police.
This is the first ‘Back to School March’ on Palm Island and will become a regular event at the beginning of each term to welcome children and parents back to school and promote the importance of attending school all day every day.
Parents will also be welcomed at St Michael’s Catholic School with a morning tea and at Bwgcolman Community School through an after school barbeque to meet their children’s teachers.
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A good education is essential for a good future and that starts with making sure children and young people go to school every day.
A good education also helps keep culture strong and enable future generations to share stories about their community, culture and kinship.
Improving school attendance is the number one priority for the Australian Government.