AILC courses providing Indigenous leadership opportunities

Would you like to learn more about business and leadership? Why not enrol in an Indigenous Leadership course at the Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre (AILC)?
Would you like to learn more about business and leadership? Why not enrol in an Indigenous Leadership course at the Australian Indigenous Leadership Centre (AILC)?
That’s what Michelle Deshong did, and it has helped her become an outstanding leader and role model, locally and in the wider Australian community.
Michelle moved from her hometown of Townsville to Canberra, and in 2001 she enrolled herself in a Certificate II in Indigenous Leadership at the AILC. She said the experience gave her opportunities both personally and professionally.
“I made a lot of changes in my personal life as a result of the course, including re-assessment of relationships, changing jobs, going back to study, and setting some personal goals,” Michelle said.
“It helped to stir a passion in me that has continued many years after completing the course.”
The course helped raise Michelle’s awareness of history, current issues and challenges, practical ways of dealing with those challenges and how to value leadership at all levels.
Michelle has used those skills broadly, holding several positions in Federal Government departments and becoming a member of the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples.
Michelle said the greatest benefit of the AILC leadership course was the “invaluable friendships” she formed with other students and facilitators. It is these people she continues to look to for support and mentoring.
Recently Michelle returned to Townsville where she is writing a PhD on levels of political participation by Aboriginal women.
Find out more
The AILC runs courses in partnership with the Australian Government to support oppotunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to further their education and develop their careers.
The AILC is now accepting applications for its accredited courses in Indigenous Leadership and Business.