Health success at Aputula Community Store
StoryHealthy food and drink is becoming a more popular choice in the remote Northern Territory community of Aputula thanks to some creative initiatives from the local community store.
Robinson River crèche a big hit with families
StoryThe Robinson River Crèche, operated by Mungoorbada Aboriginal Corporation, is helping to change the lives of families in the remote Northern Territory Indigenous community.
Black and Deadly and staying in school
StoryBlack and Deadly is a series of regular workshops and gatherings for Indigenous female students aged 13 to 18 who are at risk of disengaging from Queensland Gold Coast schools.
Behaviour change program reconnects families
StoryOne 26 year old man’s struggles with violent behaviour and substance abuse cost him the custody of his children, and landed him in the courts on more than one occasion. Aaron (not his real name) is now walking the hard road to healing the hurt he has done to himself and his loved ones, through the support of the Central Queensland (CQ) Healing Centre - Helem Yumba, and the Gatharr Weyebe Banabe Program.
Culture builds strength in Port Stephens communities
StoryThe Ba-ra Boolarng Dance and Culture program is reconnecting marginalised and disadvantaged Aboriginal children and their families with their culture to promote strength, resilience and positive futures.