Native Title spurs Kokatha job creation
StoryThe Kokatha people are the traditional owners of a large area of central South Australia, and have recently been awarded Native Title over 30 000 square kilometres of their country. They are eager to use Native Title to create employment opportunities for their mob.
Casimira a trailblazer for Tiwi students
StoryCasimira Tipiloura is the first Tiwi student to graduate from a Tiwi Islands high school with an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).
New Beswick store has community and its artists celebrating
StoryThe new community store at Beswick, Northern Territory has created local jobs, including for artists who painted a mural on the store.
International visitors trading school attendance tips with Wadeye Yellow Shirts
StoryIn Wadeye, local Remote School Attendance Strategy (RSAS) team members, known as “Yellow Shirts”, are working hard to increase school attendance. They recently gained a new provider, BIITE and played host to members of the Royal Papua New Guinea Police Force, and the groups exchanged stories of school attendance issues in Papua New Guinea and Wadeye.
Anglicare getting Aboriginal youth back on track
StoryAnglicare’s Youth at Risk program is helping Aboriginal youth in Wagga Wagga develop life goals leading to a stable and more secure future.