Nominations for National Indigenous Fashion Awards (NIFA) 2021 extended
News articleWho will you nominate this year? Nominations close COB Thursday 3 June.
New Remote Jobs Program to replace CDP and changes to Mutual Obligation Requirements
News articleA new remote jobs program commencing in 2023 will replace the Community Development Program (CDP).
Jobs and education to secure future for Indigenous Australians
News articleThe Australian Government is delivering substantial reforms in the 2021–22 Budget to secure Australia’s recovery.
How Census helps communities, privacy information and where to get help
News articleChenile Chandler is young Wurundjeri woman of the Kulin Nations and Census Engagement Manager passionate about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people being counted in the Census.
Indigenous Mental Health First Aid Training Grant opportunity now open
News articleThe Australian Government has opened a new grant opportunity for the delivery of mental health first aid training in Indigenous communities across all states and territories.