Getting remote children back to school in 2022
News articleThe Morrison Government will support more than 13,380 students and their families to maintain engagement with school through an extension of the Remote School Attendance Strategy (RSAS) in 2022.
Two new appointments complete Indigenous Reference Group
News articleThe renewed Northern Australia Indigenous Reference Group has kicked into gear with its first planning meetings and the appointment of two final members, Ms Gina Castelain (QLD) and Ms Cara Peek (WA).
Disability Royal Commission support services in-language resources
News articleLearn about counselling and advocacy support for people with disability affected by violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation or engaging with the Disability Royal Commission.
Indigenous Voice report supports Torres Strait representation from the region and mainland Australia
News articleThe Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA) has welcomed the public release of the Indigenous Voice Co-design Process Final Report to the Australian Government – including recommendations to ensure Torres Strait Islanders from the Torres Strait and mainland Australia are represented.
$75 million funding boost for Torres Strait Land and Sea Rangers
News articleTSRA - A $75 million funding agreement to be delivered over seven years has been signed by the Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA) and the National Indigenous Australians Agency today (23 December 2021).