Launch of the Burawa National Indigenous Careers Centre, to move our Mob up
News articleBurawa National Indigenous Careers Centre was launched this month, providing a national one stop shop for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander jobseekers to participate in culturally tailored free online courses.
WellMob website features 3 new videos
News articleThe Wellmob website now includes a series of short videos which aim to improve awareness about how the WellMob website can keep our diverse mob feeling strong & deadly.
Strengthening Indigenous Leadership and Governance
News articleThe Morrison Government is today launching a $21.9 million Indigenous Leadership and Governance package to support the next generation of Indigenous leaders.
Extension of biosecurity measures to protect remote communities in the NT
News articleThe Australian Government is extending measures in place to protect remote communities during the current COVID-19 outbreak in the Northern Territory, in line with the local requirements and at the request of the Northern Territory Government and the Indigenous Land Councils.
Kristy Masella appointed to ILSC Board
News articleMinister for Indigenous Australians, the Hon Ken Wyatt AM, MP, has today announced a further appointment to the Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation (ILSC) Board.