$140 million to improve health services for Indigenous communities
News articleToday is National Close the Gap Day, a day to reflect on the gap in health and wellbeing outcomes between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians.
More boarding places in Melbourne for remote Indigenous students
News articleThe Morrison Government is providing more than $3.6 million over three years to expand the Melbourne Indigenous Transition School’s (MITS) boarding program.
More Jobs for Indigenous Horticulturalists in Queensland
News articleThe Morrison Government is backing the Indigenous horticulture sector with a job-creating investment of $196,500 to Bundaberg-based Gidarjil Development Corporation Limited.
Home grown produce and home grown jobs in the Kimberley
News articleThe Morrison Government is helping a new joint Indigenous employment venture get off the ground, connecting farmers with local workforce in the Kimberley through an $186,000 investment.
Australia launches first ever Indigenous health workforce plan
News articleThe Morrison Government has launched a ten-year plan to increase the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workforce and improve health and wellbeing outcomes.