Join us in a conversation about Country
News articleILSC: This is an opportunity to have a genuine conversation about your ideas, aspirations, challenges and opportunities for returning and managing Country.
First Sounds Volume 9 is open for submissions
News articleThe First Nations Media Australia's indigiTUBE project and Community Broadcasting Association of Australia's Australian Music Radio Airplay Project (Amrap) are pleased to announce that First Sounds Volume 9 is open for submissions.
Mabo Day
News articleToday we celebrate three decades of the landmark High Court decision Mabo v Qld (No 2) and honour the legacy of the man behind that ruling, Eddie Koiki Mabo.
Aspiring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander performing artists invited to apply for NAISDA’s 2023 intake
News articleNAISDA Dance College, Australia’s national arts training organisation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, invites aspiring dancers and performing artists from around Australia to apply for its 2023 intake.
Ministerial appointments for Indigenous Australians
News articleThe Hon Linda Burney MP has been sworn in as the Minister for Indigenous Australians, following her successful re-election as the federal member for Barton in May 2022.