Mer (Murray Island)
CommunityMer (also known as Murray Island) is the most eastern island in the Torres Strait, 800km north of Cairns. Mer, Erub and Ugar islands are known as the Murray Group of islands.
Saibai Island
CommunitySaibai Island is a small island located in the northwestern Torres Strait, around 140 kilometres from the northern tip of Cape York, Queensland.
CommunityLocated on the tip of Cape York Peninsula, over 2700 kilometres north west of Brisbane, Seisia is the most northern community on the Australian mainland.
Thursday Island (Waiben)
CommunityTraditionally the land of the Kaurareg Aboriginal people, Thursday Island is located 30 kilometres form the northern tip of Cape York, Queensland.
CommunityYarrabah is an Aboriginal community located 55 kilometres east of Cairns in Far North Queensland.