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Minister Scullion: Lateline misleading on Western Sydney Aboriginal Medical Service

3 Jun 2015

The claims made on ABC’s Lateline last night regarding funding under the Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS) for the Aboriginal Medical Service Western Sydney are completely false.

There was NO universal requirement or condition attached to funding that applicants demonstrate support for constitution recognition and it’s perverse that anyone could interpret the funding requirements otherwise.

Support for constitutional recognition was one of a number of activities that could be applied for.  But I repeat - it was not a requirement or condition of funding across the whole IAS.

The AMS in Western Sydney is predominately funded by the Department of Health.It received $357,000 from the IAS this year to deliver counselling services.  It was unsuccessful due to significant concerns about the organisation’s ability to manage its finances including the accumulation of a large tax debt over several years.

Funding has been allocated to continue the service and the Government will continue to work with the local community to ensure an alternative provider is selected as soon as possible to take over the social and emotional wellbeing counselling service in Western Sydney from 1 July 2015.

Find out more

Visit the Minister's website to view this media release.

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