Virtual Indigenous Film Festival
In honour of National Reconciliation Week 2020, we're excited to announce the first Virtual Indigenous Film Festival on FanForce TV!
In honour of National Reconciliation Week 2020, we're excited to announce the first Virtual Indigenous Film Festival on FanForce TV! Six powerful films will be streamed each evening of the week alongside exclusive filmmaker and expert Q&As to watch with your community, from home.
This year's National Reconciliation Week theme, #InThisTogether, reminds us that we all play an important role in shaping Australia’s journey towards a more just, equitable and reconciled nation. All Virtual Screenings during NRW will feature filmmaker/expert Q&As to house a discussion about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and how we can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
How it Works
Register for any NRW Virtual Screening event to get access to the film and live Q&A discussion!
Register now and tune back in at the time of the event to watch the film and participate in live discussions throughout the screening!
Find out more
For more information, visit FanForce.