Setting the standard for Indigenous boarding students

The Morrison Government is investing $500,000 from the Indigenous Advancement Strategy into two projects to improve the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander boarding students and their families.
Media release - Minister Wyatt
The Morrison Government is investing $500,000 from the Indigenous Advancement Strategy into two projects to improve the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander boarding students and their families.
Indigenous Education and Boarding Australia (IEBA) will receive $250,000 over two years to bring together the latest and best information from the boarding sector and share best practice approaches with providers who specifically support Indigenous boarding students.
Remote Indigenous Parents Australia (RIPA) will also receive $250,000 over two years to establish a national network, enabling Indigenous parents and families from remote areas to have a genuine, independent voice on the wellbeing and education of their children.
Minister for Indigenous Australians, the Hon Ken Wyatt AM, MP, said the projects will result in better services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and their families while they’re away from home.
“Supporting Indigenous students to complete their schooling in a high quality setting provides the best possible start in life,” Minister Wyatt said.
“Having access to good boarding options, addressing barriers to achievement and providing culturally safe environments are so important in improving educational outcomes.
“The investment in IEBA will ensure boarding providers are better equipped to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander boarders as they transition to studying away from home, stay engaged in school and complete their education.
“It will support the development of a freely accessible website containing information, guidance materials and resources for providers on how they can provide the best experience for their Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander boarding students.
“IEBA will bring together a wide variety of information from parents, students, boarding providers and peak bodies and share resources from experienced organisations in the boarding sector.
“It will bring together the collective wisdom and provide a single, authoritative source of reliable information on what works best to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
“Complementing this will be the new RIPA network that will provide an avenue to engage parents and families and a mechanism to represent their views to schools and the boarding sector.
“It will provide access to independent learning spaces to host forums, workshops, conferences and support research initiatives to bring forward what really matters to students and their families.
“These projects respond to findings of recent reviews into support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander boarders which found there is a need for improvements to consistency between boarding providers and enhanced collaboration between home and boarding schools.”
Find out more
Visit the Minister's website to read the original media release.