Native Title recognised for the Yamatji Nation

The Yamatji Nation is the latest group of traditional owners to receive legal recognition of their native title rights and interests.
Joint Media Release - Minister Wyatt and Attorney-General Porter
The Yamatji Nation is the latest group of traditional owners to receive legal recognition of their native title rights and interests.
Minister for Indigenous Australians, the Hon Ken Wyatt AM, MP, said today’s native title determination by the Federal Court over the Yamatji people’s land underpins opportunities for economic development and cultural self-determination.
“Land security is economic security, and today’s decision will deliver certainty and new opportunities for the Yamatji Nation,” Minister Wyatt said.
“This native title determination will mean generations of Yamatji people can benefit from the land and help maintain their cultural connection with that land.”
“I extend my thanks to the Federal Court of Australia for their consideration and congratulate the lead applicants and all of the Yamatji people on this positive result that provides certainty for all parties involved,” Attorney-General, Christian Porter, said.
This determination is part of the Yamatji Nation Southern Regional Agreement, whose negotiation has been led by Western Australia, which resolves native title claims over 48,000 square kilometres covering the Yamatji Nation, Southern Yamatji, Hutt River, Mullew Wadjari and Widi Mob groups.
“This Agreement could serve as a model for other jurisdictions,” Minister Wyatt said.
“As well as land, the Agreement includes funding to support commercial and industrial development, tourism and business programs and social housing.
“The Morrison Government has committed to support the establishment and initial operation of the corporations that will manage the traditional owner’s interests under the Agreement.
“Through exercising native title rights and the benefits from this Agreement, we will see new businesses, more employment opportunities, greater development and prosperity flow throughout the Geraldton region,” Minister Wyatt said.
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Visit the Minister's website to view the original media release.