Morrison Government supports five new Indigenous ranger groups to care for the Murray-Darling

On World Ranger Day, the Morrison Government has announced the establishment of five new Indigenous river ranger groups across the Murray-Darling Basin.
Joint media release
The Hon Ken Wyatt AM MP
Minister for Indigenous Australians
Member for Hasluck
The Hon Keith Pitt MP
Minister for Resources and Water
Member for Hinkler
On World Ranger Day, the Morrison Government has announced the establishment of five new Indigenous river ranger groups across the Murray-Darling Basin.
Minister for Indigenous Australians, the Hon Ken Wyatt AM, MP, said $3.1 million will support the establishment of at least 27 new positions, allowing Aboriginal people to contribute to healthy waterways in the Basin region.
“Today we pay tribute to Indigenous rangers across Australia, welcoming five new ranger groups that will contribute to the preservation, management and protection of our natural resources,” Minister Wyatt said.
“The successful organisations are: Border Ranges Contractors; Dharriwaa Elders Group; First People of the Millewa-Mallee Aboriginal Corporation; Yarkuwa Indigenous Knowledge Centre Aboriginal Corporation; and Nari Nari Tribal Council.
”For tens of thousands of years Indigenous Australians have actively cared for this land. This funding will see the Murray-Darling Basin continue to benefit from their leadership, knowledge and experience.
“This ranger program empowers local Indigenous groups to improve waterway health, manage country and ensures more Aboriginal Australians are involved in building positive environmental, social, cultural and economic outcomes locally and across the Basin.
Minister for Resources and Water, Keith Pitt, said the Indigenous River Rangers program is part of the Government’s commitment to put all communities at the heart of the Basin Plan.
“Improving the health of the Murray-Darling is everyone’s business to strengthen the Basin’s ecology and provide more opportunities for all communities,” Minister Pitt said.
More information is available on the National Indigenous Australians Agency website,
Find out more
Visit the Minister's website to read the original media release.