More Representation for South Australia’s Far West Indigenous Communities

The Morrison Government has today welcomed the launch of the latest Empowered Community organisation, Far West Community Partnerships, giving Aboriginal people more say on investment and development in the Far West Coast region of South Australia.
Joint Media Release
The Hon Ken Wyatt AM MP - Minister for Indigenous Australians (Member for Hasluck)
Rowan Ramsey MP - Member for Grey
The Morrison Government has today welcomed the launch of the latest Empowered Community organisation, Far West Community Partnerships, giving Aboriginal people more say on investment and development in the Far West Coast region of South Australia.
Minister for Indigenous Australians the Hon Ken Wyatt AM, MP, said Far West Community Partnerships, based in Ceduna, will operate as the backbone organisation for community leaders to come together and drive the change they want to see in their communities.
“Empowered Communities is all about getting decision making closer to the people it affects,” Minister Wyatt said.
“The Empowered Communities construct supports self-determination and preserves each area’s unique culture and heritage by putting local priorities at the top of the agenda.
“Since 2011, the Far West Coast communities in South Australia have shown how they can come together to address significant social issues and to effectively collaborate with Government to improve the lives of Indigenous people in areas such as employment, education and economic development.
“This new organisation formalises the arrangements and provides a great opportunity for State and Commonwealth agencies to work collaboratively with the community to improve outcomes in this region.”
Member for Grey, Rowan Ramsey, said the commitment delivers on the Morrison Government’s election commitment to expand the number of Empowered Communities regions.
“Far West Community Partnerships provides a practical platform to ensure policies and programs in the Far West Coast are targeted and community driven,” Mr Ramsey said.
“It establishes an equal partnership between Indigenous people and governments and marks the next step on the journey towards empowerment.
“This organisation represents the culmination of the strong leadership shown in this region and will enable deeper engagement across all levels of Government to really deliver for Indigenous people in South Australia.”
Find out more
Visit the Minister's website to read the original media release.