More than $1.2 million to strengthen native title organisations

The Morrison Government is continuing to invest in native title holding groups, delivering more than $1.2 million to support five Aboriginal Corporations to generate greater economic benefits for their people.
Media release - Minister Wyatt
The Morrison Government is continuing to invest in native title holding groups, delivering more than $1.2 million to support five Aboriginal Corporations to generate greater economic benefits for their people.
Minister for Indigenous Australians, the Hon Ken Wyatt AM, MP, said through effective and sustainable management of land and waters, prescribed bodies corporate (PBCs) play a critical role in meeting the aspirations of native title holders.
“PBCs are so important to helping native title holders to maximise the economic benefits from their land and create sustainable futures for their people,” Minister Wyatt said.
“This latest funding will allow five of these organisations to increase the depth and breadth of their operations as well as their independence to take full advantage of the growing opportunities in their areas.
“The Bundi Yamatji Aboriginal Corporation in the Greater Geraldton region of Western Australia will receive $350,000 to establish a ‘Cultural Authority’ to support the historic Yamatji Nation Southern Regional Agreement.
“Lhere Artepe Aboriginal Corporation in the Alice Springs region is being provided $300,000 to support the employment of skilled officers to identify and deliver more business development opportunities. They will also be supported by the Northern Territory Government's Business Development Hub as they pursue the long-term interests of the Arrente people.
“Malgana Aboriginal Corporation in the Wooramel/Denham region of Western Australia will receive $200,000 and the Mirning Traditional Lands Aboriginal Corporation from around Eucla also in Western Australia is being provided $237,700, both to strengthen their financial and governance foundations as they move forward on the priorities of their people and communities. This includes increasing their stakeholder engagement to secure more business from current local projects and develop strategies for a sustainable future.
“And Waanyi Native Title Aboriginal Corporation in the Burke and Mount Isa area of Queensland is receiving $168,200 to progress the economic priorities identified in its 2020–25 strategic plan. Primarily, creating sustainable employment and ongoing business opportunities through the Boodjamulla National Park, which will generate income that in turn will be used to provide for the welfare of the Waanyi people.”
This funding is part of the Government's ongoing PBC capacity building program, launched as part of the White Paper on Developing Northern Australia in 2016, which supports organisations responsible for the interests of native title holders by providing training, access to business and legal advice, and building their long-term viability.
Find out more
Visit the Minister's website to read the original media release.