Funding certainty for Indigenous Rangers

The Morrison Government is supporting Indigenous Australians to protect and conserve land and sea country, by providing $102 million indexed each year from 2021 to 2028 for the Indigenous Ranger Program.
Joint Media Release
Minister Wyatt - Minister for Indigenous Australians
Minister Ley - Minister for the Environment
The Morrison Government is supporting Indigenous Australians to protect and conserve land and sea country, by providing $102 million indexed each year from 2021 to 2028 for the Indigenous Ranger Program.
Minister for Indigenous Australians, the Hon Ken Wyatt AM, MP, said funding certainty will allow Indigenous organisations to develop their programs and retain rangers that possess high levels of land management skills.
“Indigenous Ranger Programs are instrumental in protecting Australia’s environment and heritage assets. In recent times there has been increased interest in how Indigenous Australians have cared for this land for 65,000 years” Minister Wyatt said.
“The rangers conduct all manner of conservation, fire management and biosecurity roles to support our natural resources being managed in a sustainable way.”
“Our commitment to provide seven more years of funding, will enable more strategic and effective management of Country by providing employment security and assurance that business operations and asset management can be planned and delivered over the long-term.”
“It will allow ranger groups to maintain a high standard and create a viable pathway to employment to an array of related environment services.”
“This extension will have the additional benefit of aligning with the funding cycle for Indigenous Protected Areas to assist organisations to better manage their workforce and projects that contribute to the National Reserve System.”
“As part of the commitment, we will establish new guidelines and an expert reference group to help ensure the program remains contemporary and continues to improve opportunities for the sector.”
Minister for the Environment Sussan Ley said that Indigenous Rangers were playing critical roles in the protection of our environment.
“The IPA network covers some 67 million hectares and its traditional land management is adding to the overall resilience of Australia’s environment, Minister Ley said.
“Traditional knowledge is helping to inform modern environmental science in managing our landscapes, protecting native species and in the ways we adapt to changing climates.”
“The Morrison Government looks forward to the Indigenous Ranger Program continuing to deliver far-reaching benefits by creating jobs in regional and remote communities, contributing to local economies, as well as the social benefits that come with reliable employment.”
“Ranger groups hold deep knowledge of their lands and our Government is proud to keep this knowledge in local hands for the benefit of Country and those who live on it.”
Find out more
Visit Minister Wyatt's website to read the original media release.