Expert working group on Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property

A First Nations expert working group will partner in the development of new laws to protect Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property.
Image: ©Moa Arts, No. 2 Reef II. ICIP: This artwork includes artistic works which incorporate Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property (ICIP) and traditional knowledge of the Mualgal people of Mua Lag. Used with permission.
A First Nations expert working group has been established by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts to partner in the development of stand-alone legislation to protect First Nations traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions, commonly referred to as Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property. This is a key commitment in Revive, Australia’s National Cultural Policy.
The primary outcome of the new legislation is to legally recognise the cultural rights First Nations peoples have to their Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property, and to provide enforceable remedies for the infringement of these rights.
The working group is made up of 8 members:
- Dr Terri Janke (Chair)
- James Morgan
- Dr Alana Gall
- Aurora Milroy
- Craig Aspinall
- Professor Deen Sanders OAM
- Bibi Barba
- Chrissy Grant
The First Nations expert working group is intended to ensure that First Nations knowledge, expertise and lived experience in relation to ICIP underpin the development of the legislation.
Member bios are available on the Office for the Arts website.
For more information about protecting Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property rights, visit the Office for the Arts website.