Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Australians

The Morrison Government is committed to recognising Indigenous Australians in the Constitution and will hold a referendum should a consensus be reached and it have the best chance of success.
Media Release - Minister Wyatt
The Morrison Government is committed to recognising Indigenous Australians in the Constitution and will hold a referendum should a consensus be reached and it have the best chance of success.
This is really about the people out in the communities, the people in the suburbs of our cities. It is about fellow Australians accepting what is reasonable to them. In my interview with The Australian I outlined my ambitious hopes of progressing Constitutional Recognition next year should consensus be reached.
The Government has not yet set a timeframe or a deadline on bringing a question for Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Australians before the Parliament.
Constitutional recognition is too important to get wrong, and too important to rush.
The Constitution belongs to all Australians. We must find a way forward that will result in the majority of Australians, in the majority of states, overwhelmingly supporting constitutional recognition. We must be pragmatic.
I will continue to consult widely with my parliamentary colleagues before presenting a referendum pathway for consideration by the Cabinet.
Find out more
Visit the Minister's website to view the original media release.