Chair of the Aboriginals Benefit Account Advisory Committee
Minister for Indigenous Australians, the Hon Ken Wyatt AM, MP, has appointed Ms Leeanne Caton as the Chair of the Aboriginals Benefit Account Advisory Committee (ABAAC) for a two year term.
Media release - Minister Wyatt
Minister for Indigenous Australians, the Hon Ken Wyatt AM, MP, has appointed Ms Leeanne Caton as the Chair of the Aboriginals Benefit Account Advisory Committee (ABAAC) for a two year term.
The Advisory Committee assesses and makes recommendations to the Minister on appropriate projects to be funded from Aboriginal mining revenues that directly benefit Indigenous Australians in the Northern Territory.
“Each year, the Aboriginals Benefit Account allows for investments of up to $30 million of royalties generated from mining on Aboriginal land,” Minister Wyatt said.
“It enables projects outside of mainstream services that improve Aboriginal communities and that support Indigenous enterprises, employment, community infrastructure and cultural projects.
“Ms Caton will bring her breadth and depth of experience to this significant position that facilitates the disbursement of Aboriginal money delivering projects for Aboriginal people.
“She has a strong history of working with governments at all levels to improve the lives of Aboriginal people and I welcome her skills and leadership to the Committee and the sound advice that she will provide me over the coming years.
“Ms Caton has demonstrated her commitment to the Indigenous community through a variety of roles and I’m pleased her leadership will continue to serve our people as Chair of ABAAC.”
Ms Caton lives in Darwin and is the currently the Chief Executive Officer of the Yilli Rreung Housing Aboriginal Corporation. Ms Caton has previously worked in a variety of positions in the Northern Territory Government and in the private sector.
The Aboriginals Benefit Account delivers grants for one off projects through two funding rounds each year. More information is available on the National Indigenous Australians Agency website.
Find out more
Visit the Minister's website to view the original media release.