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Announcements | 13 Feb 2015

Seven years ago an apology was delivered by the Australian Government acknowledging past laws, policies and practices that have inflicted profound grief, loss and suffering on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Announcements | 13 Feb 2015

A year ago I told the Senate the sixth Closing the Gap report was a sobering read and demonstrated why we had to do better by Indigenous Australians. The seventh Closing the Gap Report will be tabled by Prime Minister Tony Abbott in the Australian Parliament today. Again, there is no point pretending things are better than they are.

Announcements | 12 Feb 2015

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ unique and timeless connection to land is the special focus and theme of this year’s National NAIDOC Week celebrations.

Announcements | 11 Feb 2015

Prime Minister Tony Abbott presented the 7th annual Closing the Gap Report to Parliament today. 

Details of workshops - accessible text on webpage
Event | 18 Mar 2015

Interested in business?

Running your own businesss is hard work but can be personally rewarding and provide financial security for you and your family.

The TSRA (Torres Strait Regional Authority) offers a free self-paced workshop program for Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal peoples who are interested in starting their own business. The three one-day workshops are held several weeks apart and cover:

Workshop A (18 March 2015) - Your business idea, goals and expectations

Announcements | 10 Feb 2015

For Pat Brahim, CEO of Julalikari Council Aboriginal Corporation (JCAC) the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Survey (NATSISS) provides an opportunity for people to share their story. It also ensures government policies and funding decisions are made with the best knowledge of what Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people need.

Announcements | 9 Feb 2015

The Australian Government has achieved a significant milestone through its Vocational Training and Employment Centre (VTEC) initiative, with contracts now signed with 28 centres across the country to support more than 5,000 Indigenous Australians into jobs.

Announcements | 9 Feb 2015

Fifty jobs will be made available to Indigenous people in Darling Downs West and South-West Queensland regions through the expansion of an existing Western Australian Vocational Training and Employment Centre (VTEC).

Announcements | 9 Feb 2015

One hundred and fifty guaranteed jobs for Indigenous people across Victoria and Tasmania will be created thanks to a new Australian Government partnership announced today.

Announcements | 9 Feb 2015

The Queensland resource sector and associated supply chain industries will gain 50 new Indigenous workers thanks to a new Vocational Training and Employment Centre (VTEC).
