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Announcements | 31 May 2016
This is your final chance to secure tickets to the 2016 National NAIDOC Awards, on sale now through Ticketek. There are 10 Awards categories that recognise the outstanding contributions that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians make to improve the lives of Indigenous people, promote issues in the wider community, or the excellence they’ve shown in their chosen field. This year's National NAIDOC Awards are held on Friday 8 July at the Darwin Convention Centre. Tickets are $152.95 each or $1529.50 for a table of 10.
Announcements | 31 May 2016
National Reconciliation Week runs from 27 May to 3 June 2016 and celebrates and builds on the respectful relationships shared by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians. This year is particularly momentous because Reconciliation Australia is celebrating mutiple anniversaries, including: 25 years of formal reconciliation in Australia with the establishment of the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation in 199; 15 years since Reconciliation Australia was formed; and 10 years of the Reconciliation Action Plan program.
 Black Screen, a series of free film screenings happening throughout remote and regional South Australia
Stories | 30 May 2016

The theme for this year’s National Reconciliation Week, which runs from 27 May to 3 June, is “Our History, Our Story, Our Future”. Check out your local Reconciliation Week events.

Florence Onus speaking at a Sorry Day event
Stories | 26 May 2016

26 May is National Sorry Day, a day to raise awareness of the Stolen Generations and think about how you can support members on their healing journey.

Lani Balzan with her artwork 'Songlines tie all Aboriginal people together'
Stories | 23 May 2016

Lani Balzan, a proud Wiradjuri Aboriginal woman from New South Wales, is this year’s winner of the prestigious National NAIDOC Poster Competition.

Announcements | 18 May 2016
Applications for ACCELERATE 2016 are now open, and close Midnight (AEST) Friday 3 June 2016. ACCELERATE is a tailored leadership skills development program designed to provide Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders working in a creative industry with the skills and networks to become leaders in their field. The program is aimed at Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people from across Australia who have at least five years’ experience in a creative industry and can demonstrate a bold vision for where they want to take their career and their community.
Justina Justus, Noongar dancer, Encounters project, 2014. National Museum of Australia.
Announcements | 18 May 2016
Applications for the Encounters Indigenous Cultural Workers Scholarship program have been extended until Monday 6 June 2016. The scholarship program is aimed at Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people from remote and regional communities working in the cultural, creative and heritage sectors. It will give up to six awardees hands-on experience at the National Museum of Australia as well as The British Museum and the Prince's School of Traditional Arts in the United Kingdom.
Members of the Wattleridge Aboriginal rangers during a recent burn-off.
Stories | 18 May 2016

The Wattleridge Aboriginal rangers in northern New South Wales are using cultural burning to look after their country while regaining lost cultural knowledge.

Announcements | 13 May 2016
Applications close Friday, 27 May 2016 The Yothu Yindi Foundation invites applications from hard-working volunteers with the enthusiasm and energy to help stage Garma 2016 – Australia’s premier Indigenous cultural exchange event. The 18th annual Garma will take place from 29 July – 1 August 2016, at the Gulkula ceremonial grounds in northeast Arnhem Land, 40 kilometres from the township of Gove in the Northern Territory. Volunteers play a pivotal role in the organisation of Garma and the functioning of the many daily activities and events. Key Roles Include: Transportation Merchandise
Apunipima Cape York Health Council Maternal and Child Health midwife Lisa Smith (left) and diabetes nurse educator Cath Dowey with Tammy Conrad (centre) discuss healthy eating, over some art and craft activities.
Stories | 11 May 2016

To coincide with World Health Day, Apunipima Cape York Health Council recently held a gathering in the remote community of Pormpuraaw, Cape York to educate women on how they can be part of prevention and management of diabetes, the chronic disease prevalent in Cape York communities.
