Open grants
Open grants
Australian Government grants and funding opportunities for First Nations Australians.
Country and environment
Our Country Our Future is the Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation’s principal funding program where we work with Indigenous groups across Australia to own and manage land and water interests.
Find out more: Our Country Our Future - ILSC
Economic development
Austrade’s Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) program helps Australian small and medium businesses and representative bodies market and promote their goods and services globally.
Find out more: Export Market Development Grants (EMDG) | Austrade
Grant opens: 6 November 2024
Grant close date - There is no set closing date. Applications close once the available funding is allocated to eligible applicants in each tier.
This funding assists Native title-holding corporations (prescribed bodies corporate) to increase their organisational capacity and generate economic benefits from their land.
Find out more: Capacity building for native title corporations | NIAA
Grant closes: 30 June 2025
Grant opened: 4 November 2021
Funding for entities to perform the ‘representative body’ functions listed in the Native Title Act 1993. Applicants must be invited by the NIAA to apply for funding.
Find out more on GrantConnect
There is no set closing date. This funding is ongoing.
Funding to co-design and deliver English language, literacy, numeracy and digital (LLND) skills training to First Nations people through place-based whole of community projects.
Find out more on GrantConnect
Grant closes: 28 February 2025
Granted opened: 18 November 2025
Funding for community engagement, relationship and capacity building, and to establish if there is a need for English LLND training and to develop a Delivery Grant application.
Find out more on GrantConnect
This funding is ongoing.
Programs and support services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander school leavers who are setting out on their journey after school.
Find out more: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples | Your Career
This funding is ongoing.
If you are an apprentice or trainee and you identify as a First Nations Australian, you can apply for the ABSTUDY support payment through Services Australia.
Find out more: Support for priority cohorts | Australian Apprenticeships
This funding is ongoing.
A one-off investment in homelands selected by the Northern Territory land councils for support. Funding is available for a range of infrastructure and assets, including essential services, homeland access and improvements to homeland amenity. You must be invited to apply for this opportunity.
Find out more: GrantConnect
Grant closes: 31 December 2024
Grants are now open for eligible employers to create jobs under the Remote Jobs and Economic Development (RJED) program.
Employers can apply for a grant to fund employee wages with good pay and conditions and equipment.
Find out more: Remote Jobs | NIAA
Grant closes: 3 February 2025
Grant opened: 11 December 2024
Support for aged care providers to build their home care workforce in regional, rural, and remote locations where workforce shortages are the most acute.
Find out more on GrantConnect
Grant closes: 6 January 2025 at 2pm
Support for Community Sector Organisations (CSOs) already receiving an eligible Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS) grant to provide for additional staff wages pressures and high inflations rates.
Find out more on GrantConnect
Grant closes: 30 May 2026
Grant opened: 12 May 2023
Health and Wellbeing
Provides a provide a Resolution Payment to eligible persons to help them recover from the harm caused by the collapse of the funeral insurance provider, the Youpla Group.
Find out more: Youpla Support Program | NIAA
Grant closes: 30 June 2026
Grant opened 1 June 2024
All areas
Provides up to $100,000 to support for urgent, small-scale, local, one-off community needs to remove barrier to local employment. Applicants must be invited by the NIAA to apply for funding and should contact their local NIAA office or email for more information.
View the Local Investments Funding Grant Opportunity on GrantConnect.
Grant: Ongoing
Agency Collaborates grants are available only to organisations directly approached by the NIAA. They are used to support an identified need for First Nations peoples.
Details are available on Grants Connect:
Closes: 30 December 2025